What Am I Learning &

What's Next

Deciding to follow Jesus is a big decision, and it has probably stirred up some new ideas, questions, and perhaps doubts. That’s okay. Remember, following Jesus is a lifelong journey, so we don’t need to have all the mysteries of faith figured out after one week.

How Does It Feel To Follow Jesus?

With all of that in mind—how are you doing?

Think about two or three words or phrases to describe how you feel about your faith journey. Maybe write them down on your phone or some paper.

Maybe you feel excited and expectant, or you might feel a little uncertain. You might not even be able to describe exactly how you’re feeling.

Don’t worry about having a “right” answer. Your honest answer is the best answer.

In the past few articles, we’ve seen that God loves us, forgives us, and provides us with a purpose—to become more like Jesus every day. We’ve also seen that He wants to have a close relationship with us, so He’s provided us with ways to relate to Him.

We’ve only scratched the surface of all there is to know about following Jesus, and we’re excited to continue this journey together.

Read the verse below and think about it for a minute or two before talking with God about how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking.
… he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion
until the day of Christ Jesus
. Philippians 1:6 NIV

So, What Now?

The best thing you can do now is continue taking daily steps of following Jesus. There isn’t one cookie-cutter path for following Jesus, but we’ve noticed some common steps.

We hope you’ll read through the ideas below and talk with a pastor at a local or online church about what’s next for you. You could ...

Get baptized.
Join a small group of other Jesus followers.
Share your decision to follow Jesus with a friend or family member.
Start to use your time, talents, and energy to serve your church and community.
Or take some other step God’s Spirit is leading you to pursue.